Though I know no one is reading this, congratulations on making it to this page.
This is Veto, and these are the secret liner notes for 死際プリンセス, Find Your Way's first release.
I say "Find Your Way's" but really, right now, I am the only member, haha.
This EP was recorded and prepared over the course of less than 1 week, right before Reitaisai 10.
I really pushed the deadline here.
The songs were arranged, and the skit was fortunately recorded, but everything else was done on or after May 19th.
This includes the album art... I had to give the artist (kat) a crash course in Touhou and fan-culture, haha.
Of course she has heard and likes ゆよゆっぺ's Touhou arranges, but she didn't really know they were Touhou, or what Touhou was, etc.
Come to think of it, neither did hags... I just asked him if he could write a skit, then he recorded it (with me listening over Skype) a few days later.
He probably still doesn't really know, haha.
Looking at the old music file for the first arrange "(at)Tension" I can see I started it on 2012/09/17 at 12:03 in the morning.
Staying up much later than that would've been weird, so I probably just took the intro part, saved, and quit.
Still, we can see I took way too long to arrange Septette for the Dead Princess.
In the end, the arrangement still doesn't feel quite right. I still don't really have a handle on this. Sorry!
Maybe because the song is in standard tuning,
or because the bass during the chorus has a "groove" instead of being pure rhythm section...
I don't really like the lyrics to this one. It ended up being about Touhou, and I don't really want to write about Touhou.
I guess the goal was to write regular lyrics but use Touhou music, so when the lyrics ended up becoming about Touhou...
The second arrange I remember was done pretty quickly.
I knew right from the start I wanted to do an acoustic ballad of the hectic U.N.Owen Was Her? track.
But what key is it even in? I don't know. And I took many creative liberties with that arrangement.
Sometimes I worry the listener will not hear the source in this arrangement...
The lyrics are adapted from a secret love letter that I found on the internet...
It's not mine, but I understood the feeling of longing for something that isn't real, or can't be.
I think everyone should be able to understand that.
Here is a picture of the recording space and all the gear used to record the album (click to enlarge).

I was lucky enough to be able to squat at this mostly vacated apartment during this crucial period.
Once again, I owe wheels a great debt.
While I didn't have time to draw the album art myself (I would have if I could have, and for kat's help I'm grateful)
I had designs already planned out for the album art. Maybe it's lame? I don't know.
The concept for this band is still young. No one knows what they want to be when they're growing up.
Anyway, you can take a look at some of my sketches, if you like (click to enlarge).

Finally, I'd like to put some special thanks here.
To the guest staff, kat, hags, thank you so much.
To wheels, who gets a shout for letting me use his place.
To friends and supporters, especially kafka, alv, and 0P2C, who might never see this or even want to listen to this EP, thank you.
To anyone who ever actually listened to the music, whether they hated it or not.
And to you, who can even manage to find this page.
Thank you.
With this, my work for Reitaisai 10 is complete.
See you at C84,